I have both and like them both. However, I have started both of my kids with them between the ages of 5 months and 6 months. They both seem equal at this point in time. Both do an equal job.
Once the baby learns to jump, the Jump-A-Roo seems to be a favorite of parents because it tires the baby out.
Now that my daughter is 9 months old, she will still go in the Jump-A-Roo but will not let me put her down in the Exersaucer. I think because she can't move around except for the circle. Many of my friends tell me the same thing.
So If you have to pick one, (because they are both pretty large), I would go for the Jump-A-Roo!
I have the brands above and am pretty happy with my picks. I tend to like the full jumpers and not the ones that go in the doorway because they have toys. There are a lot of brands and they are all similar.
I am always happy to help.